Maryland Law

What Should I Wear to Court?

Even though people should not judge you based on your appearance, appearances can make a difference in court. Judges and jurors are human. It can be difficult not to allow our impressions about a person’s attire to impact our assumptions about that person. Therefore, what you wear to court is important. Whether you are defending… read more

What You Need to Know About Powers of Attorney in Maryland

Powers of attorney can be beneficial in managing your finances and healthcare. They can also avoid the need for a court-appointed guardian. However, there are several things that you should know about powers of attorney in Maryland before you execute one of these documents. What is a Power of Attorney? A power of attorney is… read more

New Law Changes Coming to Maryland in 2020

Every year, Maryland’s legislature enacts new laws that impact the lives of Maryland residents. Laws are enacted or changed that relate to criminal defense or personal injury. Some laws are designed to improve the environment or make our lives better. Let’s take a closer look at five of the new laws in Maryland in 2020… read more