If you’ve ever approached an intersection and wondered, “Who has the right-of-way at a four-way stop?” you aren’t alone. Numerous drivers get confused about how to apply these traffic laws in real-world situations.

This lack of understanding helps explain why 105 people died at Maryland intersections in 2024. Right-of-way laws are essential for safely navigating scenarios where multiple vehicles are approaching from different angles. Drivers expect one another to know and follow these laws, and deadly auto accidents can result when these expectations aren’t met.

The Right-of-Way Explained

Maryland’s right-of-way rules inform drivers approaching an intersection of who gets to proceed before the others. These laws are especially important when there are no traffic lights or signs to govern the movement of traffic at the point of convergence. At an intersection with a 4-way stop sign, who has the right of way is spelled out in Maryland’s traffic laws.

Four-Way Stop Sign Rules in Maryland

Suppose four cars are each approaching a four-way intersection from different directions. Each has a stop sign they must obey. Which driver gets to continue through the intersection first after stopping? The answer depends on how many drivers arrive at the intersection at the same time.

When One Driver Arrives Ahead of All Others

If all four drivers arrive at the intersection at different times, the one who arrives and stops first has the right of way. Every other driver who subsequently arrives at the intersection must stop and wait for that first driver to clear the intersection. Once they do, the driver who was next to arrive can proceed.

When Two or Three Drivers Arrive At the Same Time

Suppose two or more vehicles each arrive at the same intersection and stop at the same time. In this situation, any driver who has a vehicle to their right must yield the right of way to that vehicle. If a driver doesn’t have a vehicle to their right, they have the right of way and can move through the intersection.

For example, imagine three drivers arriving at the same intersection simultaneously from the east, north, and west. The driver coming from the west would have the right of way since no vehicle would be to their right. The driver arriving from the north could then proceed, followed by the driver who came from the east.

If any driver intends to turn, they should wait until the other drivers proceeding straight have cleared the intersection.

As long as each driver proceeds with caution and in an orderly manner, an accident can be avoided.

Commit Intersection Right-of-Way Rules To Memory

Although Maryland’s right-of-way laws may seem confusing, they boil down to a few simple rules. The driver who arrives at an intersection first always has the right of way. 

If two or more cars arrive at the same time, the following guidelines apply:

  • The car on the right has the right of way
  • Turning vehicles should yield to traffic proceeding straight
  • Drivers should yield to others already in the intersection
  • All drivers should exercise caution when proceeding

Keeping these principles in mind while driving will help ensure that you don’t cause a wreck at a four-way stop.

Contact the Baltimore Car Accident Law Firm of WGK Personal Injury Lawyers Today For Help

For more information contact the Baltimore car accident law firm of WGK Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation.

WGK Personal Injury Lawyers
14 W Madison St, Baltimore, MD 21201, United States
(410) 837-2144

WGK Personal Injury Lawyers – Dundalk Office
7329 Holabird Ave Suite 3, Dundalk, MD 21222
By appointment only
(410) 970-3080