Tractor Trailer Tire Blowouts in Baltimore

Were you injured when a tractor-trailer blew out a tire? If so, you could receive compensation for your injuries if the tire blowout caused your accident. Unfortunately, neither the truck company nor its insurance provider will make it easy for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

At WGK Personal Injury Lawyers we have over 80 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases. We have represented thousands of clients and won millions in jury verdicts and settlements. Since 1977, our law firm has been dedicated to fighting for the rights of injured victims and their families in Maryland.

Contact us 24/7 at (410) 837-2144 to discuss your case with experienced Baltimore tractor-trailer tire blowout lawyers. Your initial consultation is free and confidential.

How Our Baltimore Personal Injury Lawyers Help You With a Claim After an Accident Caused by a Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout

How Our Baltimore Personal Injury Lawyers Help You With a Claim After an Accident Caused by a Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout

Tractor-trailer tire blowout accident claims are complicated truck accident cases. The case may involve numerous parties, large trucking corporations, and massive insurance companies. You need a Baltimore truck accident lawyer with extensive resources, skills, and experience to handle the case. Our lawyers at WGK Personal Injury Lawyers have all of those qualities and more.

When you hire our Baltimore truck accident lawyers for a tractor-trailer tire blowout case, you can expect us to:

  • Complete a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the tire blowout and how it contributed to the truck accident
  • Work with industry experts to gather additional evidence supporting your claim
  • File insurance claims and handle all communications and negotiations with insurance companies
  • Analyze your damages to evaluate how much your injury claim is worth
  • Protect you against allegations of contributory negligence, which could bar you from receiving money for your claim
  • Negotiate settlements based on the value of your damages
  • Argue your case at trial if necessary

Our top-rated personal injury attorneys have received numerous awards and recognition from national legal organizations. They have been included in the Top 40 Under 40 by The National Trial Lawyers and the Top 25 Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers. You can trust us when we say we have the experience to handle the most complex truck accident cases.

Contact WGK Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced tractor-trailer tire blowout accident lawyer in Baltimore, MD.

What Causes Tractor Trailer Tire Blowouts in Baltimore, MD?

Tractor-trailer tire blowouts are very common. They happen for many reasons. Common causes of tractor-trailer tire blowouts include:

  • Defective tires
  • Failing to replace or repair damaged tires
  • Dangerous and poor road conditions
  • Improperly loaded cargo
  • Overloaded trucks
  • Tire tread separation
  • Under-inflating or over-inflating truck tires
  • Incorrectly installing truck tires
  • Failing to inspect and/or service truck tires
  • Adverse weather conditions

When a tractor-trailer tire blows out, it can cause the truck driver to lose control of the truck. The truck may jackknife or rollover. The truck could veer into oncoming traffic or crash into stopped traffic. The result can be a catastrophic truck accident that involves multiple vehicles.

Injuries Caused by Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accidents in Baltimore, MD

Large trucks injure and kill thousands of victims each year. The size and weight of a commercial truck make it very dangerous in a traffic accident, especially when it travels at high speeds and a tire blows out. The injuries sustained by passengers in other vehicles can be traumatic and life-altering.

Common truck accident injuries include:

Most truck accident victims require emergency medical services. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, it is never wise to refuse medical treatment. The sooner you seek medical care after an accident, the better it is for your personal injury case.

What Damages Are Available for a Baltimore Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accident in Maryland?

Damages for a tractor-trailer tire blowout accident include reimbursement for past and future financial losses. Examples of economic damages include lost wages, property damage, out-of-pocket expenses, and medical bills.

You can also receive compensation for emotional distress, physical pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, and impairments. Your non-economic damages also include scarring and disfigurement.

The parties responsible for your damages depend on the cause of the tire blowout. More than one party could be liable for tire safety. If they breach their duty of care, they could be liable if the tire blows out and causes an accident.

Parties that could be liable for a tire blowout truck accident include:

  • The trucking company
  • The owner of the tractor and/or trailer
  • The truck driver
  • The manufacturer of the tires
  • Maintenance and repair facilities
  • Shippers and loaders

Our Baltimore tractor-trailer tire blowout accident attorneys analyze the evidence in your case to identify each party who may be liable for your damages. We pursue all parties who contributed to the cause of the truck crash to maximize your recovery for damages.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Baltimore Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Lawyer

You have the right to legal counsel before you accept a settlement offer. Don’t let the insurance adjuster or other party convince you to accept their settlement offer without an attorney reviewing it. Call us to schedule a free case review from one of our Baltimore tractor-trailer accident attorneys.