Baltimore C-Section Injury Lawyer

Birth injuries are devastating for parents and their newborns. Injuries caused during a Cesarean birth (C-Section) can cause debilitating impairments and lifelong disabilities. Sadly, most birth injuries are preventable because they are caused by medical malpractice—negligence and carelessness by medical professionals.

The Baltimore C-Section injury lawyers of WGK Personal Injury Lawyers work with parents to seek justice after injuries caused during delivery. We’re a family-owned firm with three generations of lawyers working side by side fighting for justice for injured victims.

With more than a century of combined legal experience, our personal injury attorneys have the skills and knowledge you want to work to protect your child’s best interests. 

Contact our Baltimore, MD law office at (410) 837-2144 to schedule a free consultation and to discuss your legal options with a Baltimore birth injury lawyer

How Our Baltimore Birth Injury Lawyers Help with a Birth Injury Claim 

How Our Baltimore Birth Injury Lawyers Help with a Birth Injury Claim

Problems can arise during labor and delivery that are not within the control of the doctor or medical staff.

However, these medical professionals owe a duty of care to you and your unborn child to provide a standard of care that includes monitoring for signs of fetal distress, problems with heart rate, and other signs of trouble. When doctors breach their duty of care, you may have cause to bring a medical malpractice claim. 

When you hire our top-rated Baltimore personal injury lawyers to handle your case, you can expect us to:

  • Investigate the cause of your baby’s birth injuries to determine who is liable 
  • Work with medical professionals and your child’s physicians to determine the extent of the injuries and damages your child sustained
  • Document damages and calculate the value of past and future medical care and other damages
  • File insurance claims and monitor those claims
  • Monitor the deadline for filing birth injury claims and medical malpractice lawsuits under Maryland’s statute of limitations
  • Provide continued legal advice, support, and guidance throughout the claims process

You and your child have been through a traumatic experience. Our legal team is sensitive to the stress, anxiety, and grief you experienced. Let us handle the legal matters while you focus on your precious little one.

Call our Baltimore, Maryland law firm today to request a free consultation. We are here to help you and your child recover the compensation you deserve.

Common C-Section Birth Injuries

Delayed C-sections and errors during a C-section can cause one or more injuries for the infant. In some cases, the mother’s life may also be in danger when a doctor fails to perform a timely C-section or makes C-section errors.

Common C-section injuries include:

  • Facial nerve palsy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
  • Brain injuries
  • Cephalohematoma
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Brachial plexus
  • Organ perforation
  • Autism
  • Bone fractures
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Wrongful death

Delayed C-sections can result in physical, emotional, and developmental delays. In addition, a child may suffer a lifelong disability because of C-section injuries and mistakes. Many of these injuries could have been avoided had a doctor made a prompt decision to perform a C-section. 

What Causes C-Section Injuries and Who is Responsible?

The physician is ultimately responsible for deciding when to perform a Cesarean section. However, nurses, other medical staff, and the hospital may also be named in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Common reasons for C-sections injuries include:

  • The hospital may be overcrowded, limiting the time doctors and nurses spend monitoring mothers and infants during labor
  • The overcrowding could limit the availability of an operating room
  • The physician failed to monitor the baby and mother during labor and delivery adequately
  • The doctor used poor medical judgment by missing the warning signs of fetal distress or choosing to ignore those signs
  • Miscommunication between the doctor and nurses
  • Surgical mistakes and errors made during the Cesarean section

A doctor may have just a few minutes to deliver a baby to avoid birth injury from oxygen deprivation, prolapsed umbilical cord, uterine rupture, and other delivery complications. However, miscommunication, second-guessing, and errors in judgment can have dire consequences for the mother and child.

Damages You and Your Child Could Receive for a C-Section Birth Injury

The damages caused by a Cesarean section injury can be high. Permanent impairments may require ongoing medical and personal care, which can be expensive.

It is crucial that you seek full compensation for all damages, including: 

  • Lifelong personal and medical care for disabilities and impairments
  • Cost of medical treatment and therapies 
  • Pain and suffering experienced by the mother and the infant, including lifelong pain and suffering caused by permanent injuries
  • The parent’s lost earnings from missed work while caring for a child with special needs
  • The child’s future loss of income and opportunities
  • Punitive damages for gross negligence and intentional wrongdoing

The amount of money you receive for a C-Section injury claim will never compensate you or your child for the pain and suffering caused by medical malpractice. However, a settlement or jury verdict can provide the financial stability your child needs as they continue to receive treatment for a Cesarean section injury. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Baltimore, MD Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Birth injuries are more common than many people realize. Many things can go wrong during labor and delivery, especially when doctors, nurses, and staff members are not paying attention. 

If your child sustained injuries because of a medical provider’s negligence, we can help. Call our office at (410) 837-2144 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Baltimore C-Section injury lawyers.