How To Get Money from a Car Accident in Baltimore Without a Lawyer

Some states use a no-fault system of auto insurance. Under no-fault insurance, you can get money after a car accident in Baltimore regardless of fault. You simply file a claim with your auto insurer with proof of your accident and injuries, and the insurance company pays you medical and disability benefits.

But Maryland does not use no-fault insurance. Accordingly, you must prove fault to get paid for your car accident injuries in Baltimore, MD.

Below, we explain how to get compensation after a car accident without a lawyer. If you run into issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact WGK Personal Injury Lawyers for a free initial consultation by calling (410) 837-2144.

How WGK Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Accident in Baltimore, Maryland

How WGK Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Accident in Baltimore, Maryland

WGK Personal Injury Lawyers is one of the oldest personal injury law firms in Baltimore. Founded in 1977, the firm has recovered millions in injury compensation for Maryland car accident victims.

Our Baltimore car accident attorneys have over 80 years of combined experience. If you hire us for help handling your car accident claim, we’ll: 

  • Investigate your collision and gather evidence proving causation, fault, and liability 
  • Negotiate with the insurance company and other adversaries
  • Protect your legal right to fair compensation 
  • Handle all aspects of your case, including representation in court if necessary

Car accident cases can result in incapacitating injuries that interfere with your ability to work or even care for yourself. Contact WGK Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your injuries and the compensation you may be entitled to.

How Common Are Car Accidents in Baltimore?

If you only look at Baltimore City, there were 5,259 injury crashes in 2021. These crashes injured 8,593 people.

But the Baltimore metropolitan area covers Baltimore City plus seven counties around the Chesapeake Bay — Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County, Howard County, and Queen Anne’s County. The metro area had 15,614 injury crashes. These accidents caused 21,816 injuries.

In total, 27.3% of car accidents in the Baltimore metropolitan area injured at least one person. The metro area had an injury rate of 550 injury accidents per 100,000 residents.

How Can You Get Money After a Car Accident in Baltimore, MD? 

Maryland requires all car owners to have bodily injury liability (BIL) insurance. When you get injured in a crash, you must file an insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer.

Your claim gets assigned to an adjuster. The adjuster usually works for the insurance company and serves the insurer’s interests. The adjuster will investigate you, your injuries, and your accident to try to find a way to deny your claim.

Some grounds for claim denial include:

  • The insurer’s client did not cause the crash
  • You did not suffer any injuries in the crash
  • The treatment you claimed was unnecessary

If the adjuster denies your claim, you can try to overcome it.

Can You Get Money from a Car Accident Without a Lawyer?

An insurer may pay you after a car accident without hiring a lawyer. This most commonly happens when you have no injuries or minor injuries.

When you have no injuries, your losses will only include the repairs to your car. You can document this easily with a repair estimate. As long as the other driver has enough insurance to cover the damage, the insurer will repair your car.

When you suffer minor injuries, you might not find an injury lawyer to take your case. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee. If you only had a few hundred dollars in medical expenses, the lawyers you consult may suggest that you handle the claim on your own.

If you have a more substantial claim, you will probably need a Baltimore car accident attorney’s help. A lawyer can resolve problems that you encounter during the claim process, including:

Proving Negligence

Negligence has four elements:

  • A legal duty to exercise reasonable care
  • Breach of the duty of care
  • A causal link between the breach and the victim’s damages
  • Damages incurred by the accident victim

Personal injury lawyers investigate accidents and gather evidence. They use the evidence and the law to prove these four elements so that the insurer pays the claim.

Negotiating a Settlement

When the insurer accepts the claim, it will make a settlement offer. This offer is almost always insultingly low. It may not even cover your out-of-pocket medical costs.

Lawyers learn how to negotiate in law school and practice this skill daily. A lawyer can often get you more money than you can get on your own.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Car Accident 

If you hit a roadblock with the insurer, you may need to apply additional pressure to settle your case. When you file a lawsuit, the insurer has deadlines to meet. It must also pay insurance defense lawyers to fight the case.

When an insurer knows it has a losing case, it will usually settle rather than pay lawyers to defend it. Your lawyer can help you decide when you need to file a lawsuit.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Baltimore Car Wreck Lawyers If You Have Questions or Need Help

A car accident lawyer can often get you more money and resolve your case faster than you can. To discuss what an experienced lawyer can do in your car crash case, contact WGK Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation.