Baltimore Multi-Vehicle Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been injured or lost a loved one in a Baltimore multi-vehicle car crash? If so, you deserve to be compensated if someone else’s negligence caused the accident. Our Baltimore car accident lawyers can help. Contact our law office at WGK Personal Injury Lawyers at (410) 837-2144.

WGK Personal Injury Lawyers has been helping injured individuals and families in Baltimore, MD, for over 40 years. We’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars for injury victims just like you. Let us fight for you and your family.

Call us today and learn more about your legal options.

How WGK Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles in Baltimore

How WGK Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles in Baltimore

Multi-vehicle car accidents in Baltimore, Maryland, often result in catastrophic injuries and even wrongful death. Fortunately, Maryland is an at-fault insurance state; you can seek compensation for your injuries by filing a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Unfortunately, insurance companies tend to make this process difficult and will challenge your claim at every step.

A Baltimore personal injury lawyer can make sure they play fair and get you the compensation you deserve after your multi-vehicle car crash. WGK Personal Injury Lawyers has done just this for over four decades. Our family-owned law firm includes three generations of Baltimore attorneys, dedicated to fighting for injured individuals and families in Maryland.

Our family-run law firm will help your claim by: 

  • Investigating the accident to identify negligent parties and gather evidence proving negligence
  • Calculating the value of your claim by accounting for all your relevant losses and injuries
  • Work with experts and specialists to strengthen your claim
  • Negotiating with the insurance companies for a fair settlement
  • Taking your case to court to get the compensation you need

After a multi-vehicle car crash, you need to focus on resting and recovering. Let us handle your personal injury claim. Our team has over 80 years of combined experience representing clients like you. 

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Baltimore personal injury attorney.

How Common Are Multi-vehicle Car Crashes in Baltimore?

Car accidents involving multiple vehicles are fairly common. In Maryland, they accounted for 45% of all fatal auto accidents in 2019.

Data regarding the percentage of Baltimore car accidents that involve multiple vehicles isn’t available. Car accident rates in Baltimore are dropping. However, the auto accident rate in Baltimore is above average when compared to most other cities in the country.

What Causes Baltimore Multi-vehicle Car Crashes?

The potential causes of a Baltimore multi-vehicle car crash are wide-ranging. 

They include the following:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs
  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Vehicle defects
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failure to obey traffic signs or signals
  • Falling asleep at the wheel
  • Failure to adjust speed based on weather conditions
  • Failure to signal a turn
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way

All these causes have one factor in common: negligence. Although some car accidents are simply random occurrences, most accidents happen because someone was irresponsible.

What Types of Injuries Can Result From Multi-vehicle Car Crashes?

Any type of car crash can cause serious injury. However, the risk of serious injury or death may be greater when multiple vehicles are involved in a car crash.

Injuries a victim might sustain in a multi-vehicle car crash include:

Your injuries will likely require costly medical treatment. They can also impact your employability, quality of life, mobility, and more. We’ll fight to optimize your chances of receiving proper compensation.

What Compensation Can I Recover After a Multi-vehicle Car Crash in Maryland?

Car accident victims are entitled to recover damages from the party responsible for their accident. 

Economic damages compensate for your financial losses related to the accident, including:

Non-economic damages compensate for your personal losses due to the accident, including:

However, if you contributed to your accident, you may not be able to recover damages at all. Maryland is one of four states that follow pure contributory negligence rules for car accidents involving shared fault. This harsh rule prevents you from recovering any damages if you contributed in any way to your accident.

A Baltimore personal injury lawyer can calculate the full extent of your damages and pursue every cent from the party at fault for your accident.

Who’s Liable When More Than One Car is Involved in an Accident?

Determining liability in the event of a multi-vehicle car crash can be very difficult. When only two vehicles collide, it’s often relatively easy to identify the at-fault party. That’s not the case when multiple vehicles are involved.
Once you identify the liable parties, you’ll have to prove they were negligent to recover compensation.
Negligence requires evidence that:

  • The at-fault driver owed you a duty of care
  • They breached the duty
  • The breach caused your accident
  • You suffered damages

Usually, other drivers are liable when multi-vehicle car crashes occur, but there are exceptions. For example, a hazardous road condition or a road defect may have caused an accident. If this were the case, the government agency responsible for addressing those conditions may be liable for your injuries.

WGK Personal Injury Lawyers can help you gather evidence to identify liable parties and prove their negligence. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With A Baltimore Car Crash Lawyer

Being injured or losing a loved one in a car accident involving multiple vehicles can be a devastating experience. However, you can and should pursue compensation for your losses. 

The Baltimore multi-vehicle car crash attorneys at WGK Personal Injury Lawyers can help. Call us today or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

Baltimore Car Accident Resources